The following documents are available for comment:
- Proposed Submission Local Plan 2020-2040
- Policies Map
- Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment
Use this short ‘Need to Know Guide‘ to find out what’s in the Plan
A range of supporting documents provide additional information and evidence which have informed the Plan.
This Regulation 19 stage of the Local Plan requires comments be submitted on specific consultation representation forms. Therefore, we will not be able to accept any emailed, handwritten, anonymous, or verbally submitted responses.
By making a representation you may request the right to be heard by the examiner, which can be done by completing the relevant section of the online or paper representation response form.
All representations must be received during the consultation period. Any responses received after this deadline will not be considered.
For full details relating to how comments can be made, please refer to:
- Statement of Representations Procedure for the Local Plan
- Statement of Representations Procedure for the CIL Charging Schedule
To see full document and to submit your comments visit this link –